Posted on April 1, 2013 · Posted in Search Engines

Product launch is usually a holy grail for affiliate marketers. This is an event when they can reap the most profit from their affiliate marketing promotion. You might already know about this, but product launch can be profitable for you too. Why should you promote a product launch? That’s because the hype surrounding the product before launch is enough to ensure throngs of customers coming your way. This is true especially if you’re promoting a product launch from popular and successful vendors. Here are 5 tips to make the most profit from affiliate product launch:

1. Get The Launch Notification As Early As Possible

Avoid the rush of promoting a product launch. You need to get the launch notification as early as possible because it will give you more time to prepare for the promotion. For instance: if you know that a product will be launched 3 days from now, do you want to promote it? You better not, because you need some time to prepare for that promotion. You need at least one month to get all the preparation complete and make your affiliate product launch promotion really worthwhile.

2. Build Some Kind Of Hype Several Weeks Before Launch

If you have a website or blog, you should start informing your audience about the launch several weeks before. Why do you need to do this? That’s because people need to be informed long before the launch date comes in order for you to build their interest. Give your audience some good information about the product, like its benefits and advantages. But, do it strategically. The closer the launch date, the more often you’ll give them information. You can also use this strategy in social media platforms.

3. Build A Mailing List Focused On This Launch Promotion

It is very important for you to build a special mailing list before the product launch date. This will help you to build sufficient interest of your audience toward the product. You have to focus on attracting leads for this mailing list several weeks or months before launch date. You don’t need to build a new landing page, though. You can use your existing mailing list newsletter if you have one. Just be sure to invite your subscribers to your new mailing list several weeks before the launch date.

4. Make A Deal With The Vendor For Discount

You should contact the vendor and ask him to give special discount for your subscribers. In other words, you should establish a joint venture partnership with the vendor in order to give your subscribers a special price for the product. Most vendors will gladly accept the offer if you tell them that you have big mailing list in place, and you have buying audience as well. In this way, you will be able to increase your affiliate conversion significantly. If people can obtain the product cheaper in your place, then by all means they will sign up to your list and buy from you.

5. Keep Maintaining The Promotion Until Several Months After Launch

Don’t stop promoting the product after the launch date is over. Yes, you’ve reaped a significant amount of profit from your launch promotion, but you can still expand your promotion and reap more rewards from it. Keep promoting the product until several months after launch. In other words, keep promoting it until nobody cares about it. Once the product is no longer “hot”, you can go for another product launch promotion and repeat the process again.

Those are 5 tips to make the most profit from affiliate product launch promotion. Promoting a hot new product launch can indeed boost your affiliate commission significantly. That’s why you need to do it properly. Follow the tips above to ensure your success with this promotion.

Brandon is a SEO consultant and a part time blogger with great interest in SEO and affiliate Marketing. He occasionally writes interesting articles for San Francisco SEO Agency.